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Puncturing tires – a preface
You might be asking about how to silently puncture a tire for a couple of reasons. We hope that you are asking in an effort to make tires smaller to bring them to recycling, having purchased new ones – or because you are getting rid of an old car. Puncturing a tire with the intent to harm someone else's property is another story and is illegal. If caught, the penalty is generally a misdemeanor and paying restitution. With that said, we hope you aren't using this column to plot how to get away with slashing someone's tires.
How to quietly puncture a tire – Valve stem
All tires have a valve that reaches out from the inside of the hubcap. This valve stem has a cap that can be removed in an effort to place the nozzle end of an air compressor in place to reinflate the tire. As you might have thought, tampering with the valve stem's original purpose of receiving air is also a good way of deflating a tire.
Take a car valve tool or a simple needle nose plier and grab the valve stem. These can sometimes be easily removed or broken by twisting the needle nose pliers and loosening, then removing the valve stem. This process is relatively quiet because the tire is barely broken and it will take a few minutes for the air to come out completely, potentially only making a slight hissing sound.
You can even remove air without actually removing or cutting the valve stem. Pushing the valve stem in will open the valve and let the air out. Be warned this will take a little while, but it's rather quiet.
Puncture a tire with a knife
A sharp knife isn't the quietest method, but it works. The knife's sharp blade can either be stabbed or slashed along the surface to create a big enough hole in the rubber surface for air to spill out. You'll want to attack the sidewall of the tire, where the rubber is mostly structural and easier for a knife to penetrate. Right above the rim is one of the best ways to go.
An important safety warning here. Stand above the tire and do not face the tire when you are puncturing the tire. The air will come out quite forcefully and can cause eye and face injuries with both flying rubber and pressurized air.
If done correctly, you will make some noise, but the event will be over in a matter of seconds.
A nail
Anyone who has driven through a construction zone on a regular basis knows that nail holes are a real, silent problem. You won't always hear a pop. We are also going to assume you are acting illegally when using a nail because there is no other real motive to slowly deflate a tire like this.
You can either pound a nail in with a hammer or a swing of the hand in a shallow way, or put the nails very close to the tire so they are run over. We'll be honest – this is a brutally effective way of leaving an unsuspecting person not truly aware of whether or not their tires were emptied of air on purpose.
What should I not use to puncture a tire?
Don't use a blunt knife or a conventional kitchen knife. They will require brute force in penetrating the rubber and cause a louder sound than you expect. Whether you are puncturing a tire to make a tire smaller for disposal or slashing someone's tires on purpose, this is not a safe or efficient method of getting air out of the air.
You don't need to completely puncture the tire
Let's assume you are trying to puncture someone else's tires for... reasons. While some of the above methods take a while to remove all the air from the tire, just know that you probably don't need to completely deflate the tire immediately. Most people will notice – and step, when their air pressure sensors warn them or within a few feet of driving that something doesn't feel right. If your goal is to inconvenience someone, this is all you really need to do.
If your intention is to truly wreck someone's tire, nails or a knife is truly the way to go.
If you are recycling the tire
If you plan to recycle the tire anyway, just use the knife to make the air come out as quickly as possible. We still recommend you not play your face too close to the tire when slashing it – while the pressure within the tire isn't as high as a bike, it's still high enough to surprise you.
What we would do for puncturing a tire
If the attempt is to make a tire drain slowly and quietly, we would definitely attack the valve stem. The result is subtle though it'll eventually be clear the tire was tampered with. Ideally, you can use a valve stem tool or pliers to open the valve stem to stream air out.
While we don't feel good about saying this in general: Only drain one tire. Why? It's less work for you, and you are less likely to get caught. If you do damage one tire and they have to replace it, most people replace tires in sets anyway – consider it a sneaky way of spending as little time as possible puncturing the tire and making either a costly repair or a time-consuming fix.
Or you might have someone a favor who was going to get new tires anyway!
About The Author

Charles Redding
I've spent many years selling cars, working with auto detailers, mechanics, dealership service teams, quoting and researching car insurance, modding my own cars, and much more.
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