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If you have ever seen a monster truck in action, you are fully aware of how impressive they are to watch, including the size and strength of their tires.

But how much do these tires cost exactly? The price tends to range based on the exact product, but you can expect to pay anywhere between $1,500 to over $3,000 per tire and sometimes even more for premium products. These are not a light investment to make for the casual automotive enthusiast. 

Monster truck tires are typically more expensive than standard car or truck tires. This is because they are so much larger in size, which means they require more rubber and more material in their construction. This guide includes everything you need to know about how much they cost.

It is not easy to get your hands on monster truck tires because they are such a large size and big investment. Fortunately, we were able to work with some of the top brands to get all of the information we needed to provide accurate analysis on monster truck tires in this guide.

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How Much Do Monster Truck Tires Cost?

A monster truck tire is usually made of high-quality rubber that can withstand the rigorous conditions of off-road driving. This means that the price of a monster truck tire will vary depending on the brand, size, and type of design.

The cost for monster truck tires may be anywhere from $1500 to over $3,000 per tire. The more expensive tires are typically made with more durable materials and have better tread designs for more traction on all types of surfaces. They are also extremely big and difficult to make.

Monster Truck Tires are much more expensive than regular car tires. Considering monster trucks weigh about 10,000 pounds, they must be constructed with more strength and precision than any other tire type.

Monster truck tires are a big part of the vehicle and the tires of a monster truck need to be in perfect condition or they can cause a great deal of damage. The prices for new tires vary depending on the size and type of tire, so it is important to get an estimate from a mechanic before purchasing them.

Why Are Monster Truck Tires So Expensive?

Monster truck tires are the most expensive tires on the market. They are made of high-end rubber that can withstand extreme pressure. The price for these tires comes in around $1500 to over $3,000 per tire.

There are many reasons why these tires are so expensive, but the most common one is quality. Monster truck tires must last through long, grueling races and withstand extreme pressure without any major issues or deterioration in performance. The price of these tires ranges from  $1500 to over $3,000 depending on their size and tread design.

Monster truck tires are expensive for a few reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that they are not your ordinary tires. They are made to stand up to the rough terrains and sharp objects that monster trucks face in their day-to-day endeavors.

Another reason is that there is a shortage of these tires because of the increased interest in monster trucking. They are not as mass produced compared to traditional tires, so quality products tend to be rarer.

It is also hard to find replacement tire companies for this kind of specialty tire. There are only a few companies that can produce these kinds of tires, so when an order comes through, they must be filled before moving on to the next order.

Monster truck tires are expensive and not necessary to the performance of the vehicle.

Monster truck tires are designed for rugged terrain and can usually withstand off-road conditions that would destroy regular car tires.

However, these rugged tires come at a price as they are much more expensive than general passenger car tires. If you are curious to see these tires in action, the best way to do so is to check out a local monster truck show near you.

Where Can You Buy Monster Truck Tires?

Real monster truck tires are not easy to find. And when you do find them, they are extremely expensive. Monster truck enthusiasts have to order these tires online because they are not easy to find in stores.

SimpleTire is an online marketplace that specializes in selling high-quality tires. They have a wide variety of different brands to choose from, so you can get everything you need for your vehicle. They surprisingly have a wide selection of monster truck tires too.

There are other competing places to find similar deals like Speedy Tire, but we rank SimpleTire as the best option because of the fast delivery and free shipping they offer. They also offer competitive pricing deals.

Another place to consider looking for monster truck tires is in local areas where there could be used ones for sale. This might take a bit more time but it could also be a way to find them discounted too.

How Much Do Used Monster Truck Tires Cost?

Monster Truck tires are a major expense for those who live a rugged lifestyle. These tires may be able to withstand more than you think so if they are taken care of properly they can last for 3 years or more depending on usage.

Because they tend to provide a long tread life, it is not uncommon to purchase used monster truck tires to save on cost too. On average, you will see used ones going for $500-$800 per tire rather than the more expensive prices for a brand new tire.

It is also a good idea to consider buying a used tire instead because they are so durable that the tread tends to hold up well over time. This differs from traditional passenger tires with more limited wear.

Who Makes Monster Truck Tires?

Monster truck tires are specially made with large treads to keep traction in dirt or sand surfaces. These tires can also be used in off-road racing competitions that take place on dirt tracks with steep hills and high speeds.

We have included some of the top brands that manufacture reliable monster truck tires. All three of these brands sell tires online with popular retailers like SimpleTire too.


Firestone is a top producer of monster truck tires. They use a thicker, more durable tread compound to build some extremely reliable tires. They also provide excellent traction on different track types.

One of the most popular monster truck companies, Bigfoot, uses Firestone tires on all of their vehicles. They have even partnered together to build a special monster truck dedicated to the Firestone brand.

At SimpleTire, there are deep thread flotation monster truck tires that work exceptionally well and rank among the top sellers.


BKT tires are the standard for monster trucks and they have been the primary monster truck tire since 2014. These high-performing tires come at a premium price but they can even be found locally too.

This big time monster truck sponsor creates high-quality monster truck tires and they revolutionized the new modern design that is more lightweight and effective with a thinner rubber composition.

How Much Do Monster Truck Tires Cost?

About The Author

Charles Redding

Charles Redding

I've spent many years selling cars, working with auto detailers, mechanics, dealership service teams, quoting and researching car insurance, modding my own cars, and much more.

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