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Honda Fit Problems & Complaints: Are the Issues Worth Buying It?
When people talk about Honda, there are certain adjectives that come to mind: reliability, safety, comfort and fun.
Honda has made a name for itself over the years for not only their strong company culture, high-quality cars, trucks and minivans, but also for making customer service a strong priority.
Repeat customers are one of the areas that Honda prides itself on. They know that many of their customers have owned multiple Hondas during different times of their life, and that the brand loyalty oftentimes spans generations as well.
I am a perfect example of this. My family has owned many Hondas, and we’ve rarely, if ever, been disappointed.
Since 2001, Honda has been manufacturing the Honda Fit, a compact car that is a hatchback model that is perfect for people who are looking for convenience, practicality and something that is easy to maneuver.
Some of the things that Fit owners say make them huge fans of this car is the fact that it’s easy to drive, and it’s pretty comfortable for adults, even for ones who are tall.
The Honda Fit also gets some pretty amazing gas mileage. At 29 to 33 mpg in the city, and 36 to 40 mpg on the highway, this car is going to be easy on the budget when it comes to the gas pump.
It’s also easy on the budget when you go to purchase it. A new Honda Fit will sell for around $17,000 to $22,000 depending on the trip package you are looking for.
Another reason that fans of the Honda Fit enjoy it is because it’s just an enjoyable car to own. Between its outer appearance, driveability and great interior design, the Honda Fit is a perfect fit for someone who is looking for a fun and affordable compact car.
But – like with all cars, the Honda Fit does come with its own issues. Though most owners don’t find the Fit’s problems to be deal breakers, it’s good to know what some of them are before you make a final decision.
1. The Honda Fit Has Had Issues With the Engine Stalling
One of the biggest issues that Honda Fit owners have experienced is the engine at times stuttering or even completely stalling.
Though this doesn’t happen as much with some of the more recent models, Honda Fits that were made between 2006 and 2012 have seen this problem more often.
Usually, these issues can be narrowed down to either problems with the ignition coils, or with the fuel pump.
When you have a problem with an ignition coil, your car may struggle to accelerate, even when you put significant pressure on the gas pedal.
The problem may also cause the car to stall out while you’re actually driving it.
On the other hand, if you have a faulty fuel pump, your engine won’t be able to get the gas it needs, and this will result in stalling issues as well.
Whether a Honda Fit’s engine stalling issues are because of an ignition coil or a faulty fuel pump, it can still be problematic when and if it happens.
Both of these parts can be replaced, but to have an engine stall when you least expect it can be concerning enough for some people that they may decide the Honda Fit isn’t the right car for them
For me personally, I don’t think the possibility of an ignition coil or a faulty fuel pump needing to be replaced is enough to warrant not buying the car.
But others may feel differently.
2. The Honda Fit Has Seats that Don’t Provide Ample Support for Some of Its Drivers
Though this issue may not be mechanical, it’s still one that many Honda Fit owners have complained about after they’ve owned their cars for a period of time.
Even though the Honda Fit is a compact car, most owners say it’s quite expansive on the inside.
Quite a few have also said that - though the car itself is expansive - the seats themselves can be quite uncomfortable, especially the front ones.
In fact, there have been claims that the seats are so uncomfortable that it can be hard to drive long distances and that back, leg and neck issues have often resulted after riding in the car.
Though this is not a problem that is going to cause you to run to the mechanic, it can still be a big deal, especially for people who have to drive often.
Cars are expensive, and driving in one that’s uncomfortable can almost be as much of a drag as driving one that is unreliable or feels unsafe.
Reliability, safety and comfort all need to be considered when we are buying a car…especially a new one!
Some owners have suggested that the seats are perfect for an average-sized person, but not necessarily for everyone else. And, though this won’t be an issue for many Honda Fit buyers, it will be an issue for someone who has a body type that doesn’t fit into the typical “average size.”
If you are still interested in the Honda Fit, despite its interior issues - you do have a few options for increasing the comfort of the seats, such as purchasing seat support cushions.
On the other hand, if the idea of owning a car that is going to possibly be uncomfortable to ride in is a dealbreaker to you, then you might want to look past the Honda Fit for your next car.
3. The Honda Fit Has Display Gauges that Don’t Always Work the Way They Should
There’s another issue that the Honda Fit has continued to battle with that may deter you from buying a Fit as your next car of choice.
A common issue has been that the display gauges on the Honda Fit’s dashboard tend to not always work the way they should.
Display gauges help you with everything from knowing how much fuel you have left in your tank, to receiving an alert if the engine is overheating or an engine problem has been detected.
In recent years, cars have become so sophisticated that the display gauges will even tell us what the temperature is outside and whether or not our tire pressure is low.
So, it’s no surprise that if a car’s display gauges aren’t working as they should, it’s going to be not only annoying but possibly problematic.
Interestingly, this issue with the Honda Fit’s display gauges didn’t actually become an issue until the 2000 models were rolled out.
Honda Fits that were manufactured before the year 2000 have not been reported as having this same situation.
The good news is that Honda typically tends to be very focused on their customer base and creating loyal customers has always been one of the company’s highest priorities.
Assuming this will continue to be the case, there is probably a reasonable likelihood that Honda will come up with a way to fix the issues that have transpired with the display gauges.
There is also reason to believe that they will also extend the warranty to any Fit owner who is already experiencing this issue and hasn’t been able to rectify it.
But the bottom line is this - if buying a vehicle that may have some inconsistent display gauge issues makes you uncomfortable, then you may want to think twice about buying a Honda Fit until the company works through the issues that are causing the problem.
About The Author

Charles Redding
I've spent many years selling cars, working with auto detailers, mechanics, dealership service teams, quoting and researching car insurance, modding my own cars, and much more.
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